Award categories
Biodiversity, Marine Habitat Conservation and response to marine pollution
This includes projects targeting pollution control at sea and land-based level, protection of coastal and marine ecosystems and combating coastal erosion and habitat degradation, maritime safety and governance of the sea.
Sustainable Consumption and Production
This includes projects targeting coastal and maritime tourism, sustainable maritime transport, marine renewable energies, innovation -e.g. blue bio-technology- and support for entrepreneurship, creation of maritime clusters.
Sustainable fisheries, Aquaculture and Coastal Community Development
This includes projects targeting sustainable aquaculture development, environmentally friendly fishing practices and fleets and upgrading of the production chain.
Skills Development and Circulation
This includes projects targeting training and education on maritime issues, networks of maritime research and scientific information sharing.
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DISCLAIMER: Unless the opposite is explicitly requested by the participating project, the submitted project information will primarily be used for evaluation purposes and can be made public for the award procedure and promotion of winners. The processing of personal data shall meet the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725